Strategic Plan

Mission: “As a K-12 community, the mission of the Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning (RMSEL) is to empower students and staff to be learners, thinkers, citizens, and explorers engaged in and inspired by the real world. We are crew not passengers."

Vision: “RMSEL scholars will demonstrate pride and ownership as they grow into responsible citizens, who strive for high academic achievement and character excellence. RMSEL staff will equip our students with tools for success in order to make a positive impact on our local and global community. Through our actions, our community will exemplify Expeditionary Learning.”

Goal 1: RMSEL will articulate a vision for the school, it’s staff, students, and community, and develop a Strategic Plan to ensure the successful implementation of that vision.

Objective 1: Develop goals and strategies that support the implementation of RMSEL’s vision.

Objective 2: Communicate strategic plan to RMSEL, students, staff and community, and the BOCES.

  • Tactic 1.2a: Conduct annual planning retreat with BOCES prior to each school year.
  • Tactic 1.2b: Staff communication and alignment with strategic plan throughout the school year through multiple forms of communication.
  • Tactic 1.2c: Communicate weekly with the students and parent community through electronic “Field Notes.”
  • Tactic 1.2d: Bi-monthly forums for parents to ask questions and address concerns with the Executive Director in the form of “Chat with Chad.”

Objective 3: Ensure that the strategic plan drives decisions regarding the development of school goals, systems, structures, and policies.

  • Tactic 1.3a: Collaborative decision making with the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) in creating the annual Expeditionary Learning (EL) Work Plan.
  • Tactic 1.3b: Creation and alignment of the EL Work Plan to the annual school performance framework and the creation of the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP).
  • Tactic 1.3c: Alignment of school polices, including but not limited to staff and student polices, with Colorado Revised Statute.

Objective 4: Review and revise the goals, objectives and targets delineated in the strategic plan annually.

Goal 2: RMSEL will ensure that its students receive a high quality education, defined by academic and character excellence.

Objective 2.1: Continue to develop our instructional framework as a founding EL school. This continuation will include the growth of our school within the EL network of schools.

  • Tactic 2.1a: Apply for “Mentor School” status with EL for the 2014 – 2015 school year.
  • Tactic 2.1b: Serve as a demonstration site for aspiring schools within the EL network.
  • Tactic 2.1c: Host an annual site seminar for EL teacher development at RMSEL beginning in the 2014 – 2015 school year.

Objective 2.2: Audit, align, revise, and implement curriculum to the Common Core Standards (CCS), through the creation and documentation of Expedition Plans.

  • Tactic 2.2a: Teachers will create, document, instruct, audit, and revise, Expedition Plans annually.
  • Tactic 2.2b: CCS not addressed in each expedition will be taught through various workshops to ensure all students have access to all CCS.
  • Tactic 2.2c: Curriculum Maps will be created to synthesize CRS taught at each grade level aligned to expeditions and workshops.

Objective 2.3: Provide students with opportunities for growth in targeted areas of need in literacy and mathematics.

  • Tactic 2.3a: Assess students through the use of multiple forms of standardized and portfolio assessments to determine student proficiency.
  • Tactic 2.3b: Provide intervention opportunities to students who are determined to be below proficient in literacy and mathematics.
  • Tactic 2.3c: Monitor student progress every 6 weeks during the course of an intervention cycle as students work toward grade level instruction.

Goal 3: RMSEL will support and foster an exemplary Adventure Program within the Expeditionary Learning School Network.

Objective 3.1: Provide students the opportunity to grow as aligned to our school mission through diverse wilderness experiences tied to the Expeditionary Learning Design Principles.

  • Tactic 3.1a: Support the integration of the Design Principles and Character Values in building strong crews.
  • Tactic 3.2a: Provide landmark trip opportunities for students with the addition of a capstone trip for high school students.
  • Tactic 3.3a: Diversify travel tied to expedition plans were applicable.


Objective 3.2: Provide teachers and adventure leaders with appropriate training and resources to build engaging and safe adventure trips for students.

  • Tactic 3.2a: Provide financial assistance for crew leaders to pursue additional wilderness training and certification.
  • Tactic 3.2b: Ensure teachers have access to appropriate planning opportunities to support high quality adventure trips.

Objective 3.3: Consistently monitor and adjust wilderness safety protocol and policy.

  • Tactic 3.3a: The RMSEL Adventure Coordinator will collaborate with the RMSEL Administrative Team and Colorado Safety Insurance Pool to revise the RMSEL wilderness field guide for adventure travel.

Goal 4: RMSEL will build the personnel capacity needed to support and execute its strategic plan.

Objective 4.1: Develop an organizational structure and corresponding job descriptions that clearly delineate roles and responsibilities for all staff.

  • Tactic 4.1a: Provide clear job descriptions that align to high expectations for professionalism and student achievement aligned to the evaluation.

Objective 4.2: Develop a strategy for intentionally recruiting, training, supporting, and evaluating teachers and staff.

  • Tactic 4.2a: Serve as a partnership school for the University of Denver Morgridge College of Education teacher preparation and internship program.
  • Tactic 4.2b: Provide multiple internal and external professional development opportunities aligned to the strategic plan and improvement goals identified by the evaluation process.
  • Tactic 4.2c: Evaluate the performance of each staff member annually with clear targets for accomplished performance.

Objective 4.3: Provide teachers with on-going professional development opportunities to grow and impact the achievement of students in the classroom.

  • Tactic 4.3a: Provide an Instructional Coach as a teacher resource for professional growth.
  • Tactic 4.3b: Engage in weekly professional development aligned to the strategic plan and the annual EL Work Plan.
  • Tactic 4.3c: Maintain and foster professional partnerships with Public Education and Business Collation (PEBC) and Expeditionary Learning (EL).

 Goal 5: RMSEL will create and refine systems and structures to support and advance our work.

Objective 5.1: Develop an evaluation that provides us with necessary data to drive decision-making, demonstrate impact and inform strategies for improvement.

  • Tactic 5.1a: Establish expectations for student achievement annually tied to the School Performance Framework (SPF) and Unified Improvement Plan (UIP).
  • Tactic 5.1b: Progress monitor student achievement of students below grade level and report progress quarterly through the intervention program.

Objective 5.2: Develop methods and procedures that balance student, staff, and organizational needs.

  • Tactic 5.2a: Establish and maintain an enrollment structure that supports the mission and vision of the school.
  • Tactic 5.2b: Minimize additional duties to teaching staff to ensure adequate plan time for high quality instruction.
  • Tactic 5.2c: Organizational structures are tied to professional development and resources to increase student achievement.
  • Tactic 5.2d: Maintain various leadership teams, which contribute feedback to the school decision-making process.

Objective 5.3: Create an overall marketing strategy that elevates public recognition and utilization of our work.

  • Tactic 5.3a: Create a marketing strategy that balances internal and external recognition of our work.
  • Tactic 5.3b: Establish partnerships with local corporations with shared values to connect our instructional framework to the global workforce.
  • Tactic 5.3c: Market our program to potential families within the five-sponsoring districts each school year.

Objective 5.4: Capitalize on opportunities created by technology to provide access, enhance, and streamline our work.

  • Tactic 5.4a: Implement a technology plan that incorporates opportunities for students, parents, and staff, to interact digitally regarding academic and character expectations of students as well and performance.
  • Tactic 5.4b: Design and launch a website that provides user-friendly access to multiple stakeholders.
  • Tactic 5.4c: Maintain and electronic enrollment and registration system that minimizes personnel resources and increases communication with current and potential RMSEL families.

Goal 6: RMSEL will foster a positive school culture and climate, engaging each stakeholder within the school community.

Objective 6.1: Provide multiple opportunities for the RMSEL parent community to connect with RMSEL staff electronically and in person throughout the school year regarding school improvement goals and student achievement.

  • Tactic 6.1a: Provide weekly Field Notes to the RMSEL parent community regarding school news and events.
  • Tactic 6.2b: Provide weekly updates to parents of current students through the use of “My Big Campus” regarding classroom instruction and assessment.
  • Tactic 6.3c: Provide bi-monthly opportunities for the parent community to connect with the Administrative Team in person throughout the year.
  • Tactic 6.3d: Host annual events for the school community regarding expectations and student performance.

Objective 6.2: Review the annual School Performance Framework and Unified Improvement Plan with the District Accountability Annually engaging stakeholder’s data driven decision-making.

Objective 6.3: Work collaboratively with the RMSEL PACK to host a variety of community events throughout the school year to foster community engagement.

Goal 7: RMSEL will ensure long-term stability, health and relevance of our organization.

Objective 7.1: Maintain a stable relationship with each of five sponsoring school districts, providing an additional educational opportunity to the students and families of each district.

  • Tactic 7.1a: Continue the school partnership through the renewal of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) through the 2017 school year.
  • Tactic 7.1b: Continue the school governance structure as a Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES).
  • Tactic 7.1c: Utilize our school district professional services links for administrative and instructional support.
  • Tactic 7.1d:  Remain an Accredited school and district with the intent of obtaining Distinction status with CDE.

Objective 7.2: Conduct annual surveys of various community stakeholders including staff, students, and the parent community.

Objective 7.3: Conduct feasibility studies of potential expansion.

Objective 7.4: Diversify revenue sources of the organization.