Strategic Plan
Objective 1: Develop goals and strategies that support the implementation of RMSEL’s vision.
Objective 2: Communicate strategic plan to RMSEL, students, staff and community, and the BOCES.
- Tactic 1.2a: Conduct annual planning retreat with BOCES prior to each school year.
- Tactic 1.2b: Staff communication and alignment with strategic plan throughout the school year through multiple forms of communication.
- Tactic 1.2c: Communicate weekly with the students and parent community through electronic “Field Notes.”
- Tactic 1.2d: Bi-monthly forums for parents to ask questions and address concerns with the Executive Director in the form of “Chat with Chad.”
Objective 3: Ensure that the strategic plan drives decisions regarding the development of school goals, systems, structures, and policies.
- Tactic 1.3a: Collaborative decision making with the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) in creating the annual Expeditionary Learning (EL) Work Plan.
- Tactic 1.3b: Creation and alignment of the EL Work Plan to the annual school performance framework and the creation of the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP).
- Tactic 1.3c: Alignment of school polices, including but not limited to staff and student polices, with Colorado Revised Statute.
Objective 4: Review and revise the goals, objectives and targets delineated in the strategic plan annually.
Objective 2.1: Continue to develop our instructional framework as a founding EL school. This continuation will include the growth of our school within the EL network of schools.
- Tactic 2.1a: Apply for “Mentor School” status with EL for the 2014 – 2015 school year.
- Tactic 2.1b: Serve as a demonstration site for aspiring schools within the EL network.
- Tactic 2.1c: Host an annual site seminar for EL teacher development at RMSEL beginning in the 2014 – 2015 school year.
Objective 2.2: Audit, align, revise, and implement curriculum to the Common Core Standards (CCS), through the creation and documentation of Expedition Plans.
- Tactic 2.2a: Teachers will create, document, instruct, audit, and revise, Expedition Plans annually.
- Tactic 2.2b: CCS not addressed in each expedition will be taught through various workshops to ensure all students have access to all CCS.
- Tactic 2.2c: Curriculum Maps will be created to synthesize CRS taught at each grade level aligned to expeditions and workshops.
Objective 2.3: Provide students with opportunities for growth in targeted areas of need in literacy and mathematics.
- Tactic 2.3a: Assess students through the use of multiple forms of standardized and portfolio assessments to determine student proficiency.
- Tactic 2.3b: Provide intervention opportunities to students who are determined to be below proficient in literacy and mathematics.
- Tactic 2.3c: Monitor student progress every 6 weeks during the course of an intervention cycle as students work toward grade level instruction.
Goal 3: RMSEL will support and foster an exemplary Adventure Program within the Expeditionary Learning School Network.
Objective 3.1: Provide students the opportunity to grow as aligned to our school mission through diverse wilderness experiences tied to the Expeditionary Learning Design Principles.
- Tactic 3.1a: Support the integration of the Design Principles and Character Values in building strong crews.
- Tactic 3.2a: Provide landmark trip opportunities for students with the addition of a capstone trip for high school students.
- Tactic 3.3a: Diversify travel tied to expedition plans were applicable.
Objective 3.2: Provide teachers and adventure leaders with appropriate training and resources to build engaging and safe adventure trips for students.
- Tactic 3.2a: Provide financial assistance for crew leaders to pursue additional wilderness training and certification.
- Tactic 3.2b: Ensure teachers have access to appropriate planning opportunities to support high quality adventure trips.
Objective 3.3: Consistently monitor and adjust wilderness safety protocol and policy.
- Tactic 3.3a: The RMSEL Adventure Coordinator will collaborate with the RMSEL Administrative Team and Colorado Safety Insurance Pool to revise the RMSEL wilderness field guide for adventure travel.
Goal 4: RMSEL will build the personnel capacity needed to support and execute its strategic plan.
Objective 4.1: Develop an organizational structure and corresponding job descriptions that clearly delineate roles and responsibilities for all staff.
- Tactic 4.1a: Provide clear job descriptions that align to high expectations for professionalism and student achievement aligned to the evaluation.
Objective 4.2: Develop a strategy for intentionally recruiting, training, supporting, and evaluating teachers and staff.
- Tactic 4.2a: Serve as a partnership school for the University of Denver Morgridge College of Education teacher preparation and internship program.
- Tactic 4.2b: Provide multiple internal and external professional development opportunities aligned to the strategic plan and improvement goals identified by the evaluation process.
- Tactic 4.2c: Evaluate the performance of each staff member annually with clear targets for accomplished performance.
Objective 4.3: Provide teachers with on-going professional development opportunities to grow and impact the achievement of students in the classroom.
- Tactic 4.3a: Provide an Instructional Coach as a teacher resource for professional growth.
- Tactic 4.3b: Engage in weekly professional development aligned to the strategic plan and the annual EL Work Plan.
- Tactic 4.3c: Maintain and foster professional partnerships with Public Education and Business Collation (PEBC) and Expeditionary Learning (EL).
Goal 5: RMSEL will create and refine systems and structures to support and advance our work.
Objective 5.1: Develop an evaluation that provides us with necessary data to drive decision-making, demonstrate impact and inform strategies for improvement.
- Tactic 5.1a: Establish expectations for student achievement annually tied to the School Performance Framework (SPF) and Unified Improvement Plan (UIP).
- Tactic 5.1b: Progress monitor student achievement of students below grade level and report progress quarterly through the intervention program.
Objective 5.2: Develop methods and procedures that balance student, staff, and organizational needs.
- Tactic 5.2a: Establish and maintain an enrollment structure that supports the mission and vision of the school.
- Tactic 5.2b: Minimize additional duties to teaching staff to ensure adequate plan time for high quality instruction.
- Tactic 5.2c: Organizational structures are tied to professional development and resources to increase student achievement.
- Tactic 5.2d: Maintain various leadership teams, which contribute feedback to the school decision-making process.
Objective 5.3: Create an overall marketing strategy that elevates public recognition and utilization of our work.
- Tactic 5.3a: Create a marketing strategy that balances internal and external recognition of our work.
- Tactic 5.3b: Establish partnerships with local corporations with shared values to connect our instructional framework to the global workforce.
- Tactic 5.3c: Market our program to potential families within the five-sponsoring districts each school year.
Objective 5.4: Capitalize on opportunities created by technology to provide access, enhance, and streamline our work.
- Tactic 5.4a: Implement a technology plan that incorporates opportunities for students, parents, and staff, to interact digitally regarding academic and character expectations of students as well and performance.
- Tactic 5.4b: Design and launch a website that provides user-friendly access to multiple stakeholders.
- Tactic 5.4c: Maintain and electronic enrollment and registration system that minimizes personnel resources and increases communication with current and potential RMSEL families.
Goal 6: RMSEL will foster a positive school culture and climate, engaging each stakeholder within the school community.
Objective 6.1: Provide multiple opportunities for the RMSEL parent community to connect with RMSEL staff electronically and in person throughout the school year regarding school improvement goals and student achievement.
- Tactic 6.1a: Provide weekly Field Notes to the RMSEL parent community regarding school news and events.
- Tactic 6.2b: Provide weekly updates to parents of current students through the use of “My Big Campus” regarding classroom instruction and assessment.
- Tactic 6.3c: Provide bi-monthly opportunities for the parent community to connect with the Administrative Team in person throughout the year.
- Tactic 6.3d: Host annual events for the school community regarding expectations and student performance.
Objective 6.2: Review the annual School Performance Framework and Unified Improvement Plan with the District Accountability Annually engaging stakeholder’s data driven decision-making.
Objective 6.3: Work collaboratively with the RMSEL PACK to host a variety of community events throughout the school year to foster community engagement.
Objective 7.1: Maintain a stable relationship with each of five sponsoring school districts, providing an additional educational opportunity to the students and families of each district.
- Tactic 7.1a: Continue the school partnership through the renewal of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) through the 2017 school year.
- Tactic 7.1b: Continue the school governance structure as a Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES).
- Tactic 7.1c: Utilize our school district professional services links for administrative and instructional support.
- Tactic 7.1d: Remain an Accredited school and district with the intent of obtaining Distinction status with CDE.
Objective 7.2: Conduct annual surveys of various community stakeholders including staff, students, and the parent community.
Objective 7.3: Conduct feasibility studies of potential expansion.
Objective 7.4: Diversify revenue sources of the organization.